Cutting Law Office PC
A legal partner in your landlord-tenant relationship.
Opened in February 2017, Cutting Law Office PC is your partner in managing your rental business. We handle litigation, appeals, and judgment enforcement. Our client-centered representation is dedicated to providing you the best possible outcome at the lowest cost.
Solutions for Business
Cutting Law Office provides speedy, efficient, and effective representation for your rental business.  We help you focus on your business by providing legal compliance with Washington state and local landlord-tenant laws. When disputes arise, Cutting Law Office will be your advocate in evictions, tenant disputes, and government enforcement.
Proven Success
Cutting Law Office represents our existing clients on appeal and take appeals in cases where the trial lawyer or client choose to bring in additional resources. We will represent you in a small claims appeal, at the Court of Appeals, and all the way to the Washington Supreme Court.  Get the justice you deserve without compromising on quality.
High Value Service
When litigation is necessary to enforce or protect your business and property, obtaining a favorable judgment is often only half the battle.  Cutting Law Office will collect or enforce your judgment through asset investigation, garnishments, liens, and your other legal remedies. Your judgment is not just a piece of paper; make it work for you as hard as you worked to get it.

Praise from Rachael
"Working with Christopher has been a wonderful experience! His ability to keep my informed allows for great communication that I am also able to pass along to my clients. I have enjoyed working with Christopher so much so that I have chosen to work exclusively with him. His knowledge and compassion has been incomparable through and through."
Get in Touch
*All information displayed on the Cutting Law Office PC website is informational and shall not be deemed as legal advice. If you would like legal representation or advice, please contact us through e-mail or by phone. Until an attorney-client relationship has been established, no information you provide is privileged or confidential.
811 First Avenue, Suite 530
Seattle, WA 98104