About Christopher
Christopher D. Cutting has over a decade of experience in landlord-tenant law, judgment enforcement, and appeals. He began his career as a law clerk to Judge Marywave Van Deren at the Washington Court of Appeals. After working for another local law firm, Christopher founded Cutting Law Office PC in 2017.
Christopher works with a several industry associations to advocate for Washington housing providers. He currently serves as Vice President of the Board of Directors for the Rental Housing Association of Washington and is the Co-Chairman of their Legislative Committee. Christopher was RHAWA Volunteer of the Year in 2017 and 2020. He has provided expert testimony on landlord-tenant relations and law for the Washington Legislature and multiple city councils.
Christopher is also committed to education. He teaches legal seminars for state and local bar associations, trade groups, and private companies; Christopher is a licensed clock hours instructor for Washington Real Estate Brokers. He is the co-author of the WSBA Real Property Deskbook chapter on Residential Leasing and a past co-author of the chapter on Commercial Evictions in the Washington Lawyer's Practice Manual.
When Christopher is not working for his clients, he enjoys cycling, running, and watching Husky football.
Select Publications
Residential Lease Practice in Washington Real Property Deskbook (2022 edition to present)
Washington Supreme Court Dramatically Reduces Our Constitutional Rights in Current (2020)
Seattle's Eviction Report: An Incomplete Portrait in Current (2019)
Unlawful Detainer Procedures in Washington Lawyer's Practice Manual (2014-17)
Medical Marijuana and Reasonable Accommodations in Housing in Rental Housing Journal: On Site (2015)
It’s Not Just About the Money: Balancing Private Property Rights and Public Use Through Independent Judicial Determination in Phoenix Law Review (2011)

Get in Touch
*All information displayed on the Cutting Law Office PC website is informational and shall not be deemed as legal advice. If you would like legal representation or advice, please contact us through e-mail or by phone. Until an attorney-client relationship has been established, no information you provide is privileged or confidential.
811 First Avenue, Suite 530
Seattle, WA 98104